Most of our meetings will be 50 min.; however, there are times when meeting for 75 min is preferable. Often people like to get started by meeting every week but as we work together we'll figure out a frequency that best meets your goals. Each time we meet we'll start by checking in with what has been happening since we last saw each other and then collaboratively decide how to best use our time together.

In general, I take a client-centered approach, which means that I'll be listening and asking questions rather than telling you what to do or what is right or wrong. Not only will I want to know about what is happening in your life, I'll also be staying in tune with what is happening between the two of us while we are meeting. When I think I've really heard you, I might offer up some suggestions for what might be useful to you. For instance:

  • mindfulness practices

  • skill building for managing strong emotions, communication, assertiveness, tolerating difficult situations, or building relationships

  • books, podcasts, or apps that provide more information on a topic you are interested in

  • examination of how the things you think impact your behavior

  • action plans to accomplish your goals

In addition to these approaches I specialize in Art therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Systemic Constellations.